My part in this campaign was to provide weekly tech help sessions via webinar for any interested teachers. It was really awesome to be regarded as a leader who had some knowledge to share! I love learning about and sharing tech tools that can help make a difference in the everyday lives of teachers, and that can help students better demonstrate understanding or obtain additional help and support as needed.
I am so grateful to have so many awesome friends and ed tech connections in my professional learning network that I was able to bring some of them in to help me and give Illinois state teachers a better understanding of some essential tech tools for e-learning!
Here's what we covered:
- 4.23.20: Google Classroom for Beginners
- 4.30.20: Screencastify Basics (ft. Nefertiti Dukes)
- 5.7.20: Flipgrid Fever (ft. Jornea Erwin and Jess Boyce)
- 5.14.20: Google Jamboard for All (ft. Kim Mattina)
- 5.21.20: GSuite Tools, Which Ones to Use?
(Handout 1: Google Tools | Handout 2: Google Meet)
The sessions above are all linked to the accompanying 1-pager handout that I gave to webinar attendees (with the exception of Jamboard, which is linked to Kim Mattina's website full of awesome resources!).